Hello,It's Me

Sai Teja

And I'm a Full Stack Web Developer

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Frontend Developer

Frontend developer with experience building singlre-page web application and a knack for creating attractive user interfaces. skilled experience in javascript,HTML,CSS,Java,BOOTSTRAP.

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Web Development

Motivated designer and developer with experience creating custom websites through PHP and CSS. Strong collaboration skills and proven history of application development. DHTML and JavaScript. MS Access and MySQL.

UI/UX Design

You cannot make a good design if you do not understand people; design is made for people.


Full Stack Web Development

I have completed a comprehensive course that equipped me with the skills to work on both the front-end and back-end of web applications.This course has provided me with a strong foundation in full stack web development, and I am eager to apply these skills in real-world projects.

Flutter & Dart

This course has equipped me with the skills to build beautiful, high-performance, and interactive mobile applications.


This course has provided me with the skills to create dynamic web applications using MongoDB as the database and PHP for server-side scripting.
